LEVITY Longevity Podcast First Episode!

We call it ”The Longevity Podcast”. There are pros and cons with that subtitle. On the one hand, ”longevity” is associated with hope and with health, both good things. On the other hand it can also mean different things to different people. Some may, for example, advocate for enhancing healthspan without necessarily extending lifespan, suggesting a quality life limited to eight or nine decades, minimally burdened by the diseases of old age. Patrick and I diverge sharply from this perspective. For us, longevity means: – Recognizing that life is inherently valuable and that death, at any age, is a loss. Or, as Patrick likes to say: Life is good and death is bad. – Rejecting the notion that anyone should succumb to age-related diseases. – Championing the cause to postpone death indefinitely. Achieving this ageless era hinges not only on the advancement of science and the necessary funding but also on *shifting societal mindsets*.